On Wednesday, the leading presidential candidates took to the stage for the third and final time to answer questions about the pressing issues that will face the next president. Following the debate, NLC once again asked America’s mayors and councilmembers for their thoughts on how the candidates are addressing the critical issues that cities care most about: the economy, infrastructure and public safety. Here’s what we learned:

  • City leaders want the next president to prioritize strengthening the economy and investing in infrastructure in their first 100 days.
  • Thirty-nine percent of city leaders feel that Donald Trump is sufficiently addressing the most important city priorities, while 36 percent of city leaders feel Hillary Clinton is doing so.
  • City leaders believe Hillary Clinton will be a better partner for cities.
  • City leaders still believe Hillary Clinton will win the election.




Overall, the results from our two quick polls reveal that local elected officials consistently feel that neither of the two leading candidates is addressing the top priorities cities care about, from infrastructure investment to public safety to strengthening the economy. Cities need a partner in the White House who is willing to listen to and stand with cities if our nation is to grow and prosper.

To ensure that the voices of city leaders are heard loud and clear in the remaining days of the general election, take action today and urge the candidates to #StandWithCities. In sending a letter to or tweeting at the next president about the most pressing issue facing your city, we can make sure that the candidates prioritize city issues in this election and their administration. Together city leaders and the next president can work to address the social, economic and fiscal challenges weighing on the nation’s cities and create a brighter future for all Americans.

About the author: Ashley Smith is the Senior Associate, Grassroots Advocacy at the National League of Cities. Follow Ashley @AshleyN_Smith.

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